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Showing 51-100 of 207 items.

Ilian Yotov – The Quarters Theory

Ilian Yotov - The Quarters TheoryAn inside look at an innovative Forex trading systemThe Quarters Theory improves and simplifies the decision-making process in foreign exchange trading through the use of a revolutionary new methodology applied to the...

John Person – Candlestick And Pivot Point Trading Triggers

John Person - Candlestick and Pivot Point Trading Triggers In his first book, A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics, John Person introduced traders to the concept of integrating candlestick charting with pivot point analysis. Now, in Candlestick...

Kathy Lien – DayTrading & SwingTrading The Currency Market (2nd Ed.)

Kathy Lien - DayTrading & SwingTrading the Currency Market (2nd Ed.) Discover a variety of technical and fundamental profit-making strategies for trading the currency market with the Second Edition of Day Trading and Swing Trading the Currency Market. In...

Michael Duane Archer – Getting Started In Currency Trading (3rd Ed.)

Michael Duane Archer - Getting Started in Currency Trading (3rd Ed.) An accessible introduction to trading currencies While the Foreign Exchange (Forex) market can be a very profitable place, you must have a firm understanding of...

Kim Heldman – Project Manager's Spotlight On Risk Management

Kim Heldman - Project Manager's Spotlight on Risk Management Clear-Cut Ways to Manage Project Risk If you're a typical project manager, you're probably aware of the importance of risk management but may not have the time...

George Angell – Sniper Trading Workbook

George Angell - Sniper Trading Workbook Important lessons and key investment strategies for trading stocks, options, and futures Sniper Trading helps readers fine-tune their trading to the point where they know exactly where the market will...

Greg Gregoriou – Commodity Trading Advisors Risk Performance Analysis And Selection

Greg N. Gregoriou - Commodity Trading Advisors Description Authoritative, up-to-date research and analysis that provides a dramatic new understanding of the rewards and risks of investing in CTAs Commodity Trading Advisors (CTAs) are an increasingly popular...

Albert Yang - Trends & Trendlines

Albert Yang - Trends & Trendlines Table of Contents Copyright Notice. Legal High-Risk Investment Warning Sharing this Document Table of Contents Introduction and Forward by the Author Forex Base Theory of Price Reading a Price Chart...

Tyler Hicks – 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways To Build Zero Cash Into 7 Figures A Year In Real Estate

Tyler Hicks – 209 Fast Spare-Time Ways to Build Zero Cash into 7 Figures a Year in Real Estate More fortunes are built-in real estate on borrowed money than in any other business. And you can...

Eric Tyson – Mutual Funds For Dummies 6th Ed

Eric Tyson - Mutual Funds for Dummies (6th Ed.) Indicators are pointing to a rebound in mutual funds, and investors are returning! Newly revised and updated, Mutual Funds For Dummies, 6th Edition, provides you with expert insight on how...

Mark Naftel – The Telecoms Trade War

Mark Naftel – The Telecoms Trade WarIf one were to believe the politicians and pundits in the trade press, the world is in midst of a “telecoms revolution,” resulting from (the) deregulation and new competitive opportunities...

T. D. V. Swinscow – Statistics at Square One

T. D. V. Swinscow – Statistics at Square OneThe new edition of this international bestseller continues to throw light on the world of statistics for health care professionals and medical students.Revised throughout, the 11th edition features...

My Investing Club – MIC Jumpstart Accelerator

My Investing Club – MIC Jumpstart Accelerator The MIC Jumpstart Accelerator is a 7+ hour, one-of-a-kind, step-by-step trading course filled with educational content that will guide you from knowing nothing about day trading stocks to becoming...

Shia – Day Trading 101 (How to Become an Effective Day Trader)

Shia – Day Trading 101 (How to Become an Effective Day Trader) HOW TO EFFECTIVELY TRADE AND SCALE/SIZE UP IN SMALL CAPS Course Coverage/Topics Everything You Need to Know About Day Trading Short Selling - Long...

Thomas Lucier – How To Make Money With Real Estate Options

Thomas Lucier - How to Make Money with Real Estate OptionsDescriptionSpend like a miser, profit like a mogulWho says you have to spend money to make money? Savvy real estate investors follow the examples of Donald...

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick – The Option Trader Handbook

George Jabbour & Philip Budwick - The Option Trader Handbook Strategies, tools and proven solutions for minimizing risk and volatility in options trading The Option Trader Handbook helps readers better understand trade management by providing a...

David R.Kotok – Invest In Europe Now!

David R.Kotok - Invest in Europe Now!DescriptionAn insider's guide to investing in EuropeWith the U.S. market in shambles, investors are looking for other places to put their money. Europe has become the destination of choice, and...

Edward Dobson – Understanding Spreads

Edward Dobson - Understanding SpreadsA brief but thorough and informative introduction to spread trading in futures. Material on this topic is scarce, and there has long been a need for an introductory primer like this for...

Markos Katsanos – Intermarket Trading Strategies

Markos Katsanos - Intermarket Trading StrategiesThis book shows traders how to use Intermarket Analysis to forecast future equity, index, and commodity price movements. It introduces custom indicators and Intermarket based systems using basic mathematical and statistical...

Ashraf Laidi – Currency Trading And Intermarket Analysis

Ashraf Laidi - Currency Trading and Intermarket AnalysisAs head FX strategist at CMC Markets–one of the world's leading forex/commodity brokers–Ashraf Laidi understands the forces shaping today's currency market and their interplay with interest rates, equities, and...

John L.Person – Forex Conquered (Book & CD)

John L. Person - Forex Conquered (Book & CD) Praise for FOREX CONQUERED "In this amazing book, John covers it all. From trading systems to money management to emotions, he explains easily how to pull money...

Marcel Link – Trading Without Gambling

Marcel Link - Trading Without GamblingMany people perceive trading as nothing more than a gamble. But there are still people who consistently make money trading. How do they do it? They've learned to separate gambling from...

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide To Financial Markets

Robert Dubil – An Arbitrage Guide to Financial MarketsDescriptionAn Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets is the first book to explicitly show the linkages of markets for equities, currencies, fixed income, and commodities. Using a unique structural...

Bruce Berman – Making Innovation Pay

Bruce Berman - Making Innovation Pay People Who Turn IP Into Shareholder ValueMany companies and executives talk about patents, but few can demonstrate significant returns from them. Who are the elite companies and managers that have...

Ralph Vince – Leverage Space

Ralph Vince – Leverage SpaceProduct DescriptionThe Leverage Space Trading Model: Reconciling Portfolio options and Economic Theory DescriptionPraise for The Leverage Space Trading Model“As Warren Buffett said, ‘It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn...

Harry D.Schultz – Bear Market Investing Strategies

Harry D.Schultz - Bear Market Investing StrategiesDescriptionA fresh look at proven ways to protect your wealth from the author of the classic Bear Markets book Harry Schultz has been identifying bear market warning signals and teaching...

Michael Hyman – New Ways For Managing Global Financial Risks The Next Generation

Michael Hyman - New Ways for Managing Global Financial Risks The Next GenerationDescriptionLooks at the present state-of-the-art in global financial risk management, and then at the innovations and solutions that are being developed to solve the...

Warren Brussee – Getting Started In Investment Analysis

Warren Brussee – Getting Started in Investment AnalysisDescriptionGetting Started in Investment Analysis is an approachable introduction to this important topic. It quickly teaches–you how to make overall judgments on investment data without having to do complicated...

Martin Pring – Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies To Beat The Markets

Martin Pring - Investment Psychology. Explained Classic Strategies to Beat the MarketsDescriptionExpert advice in a back-to-basics handbook on how to beat the market-the classic wayIn Investment Psychology Explained Martin J. Pring, one of the most respected...

Heather Ball – Money Management All-in-one-desk Reference For Canadians For Dummies (2nd Ed.)

Heather Ball - Money Management All-in-one-desk Reference for Canadians for Dummies (2nd Ed.)All the information you need to manage your money wisely in one great guideLooking to expand your knowledge of money management? This all-in-one resource...

Robert Fischer – Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders

Robert Fischer – Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders A fresh look at classic principles and applications of Fibonacci numbers and the Elliott Wave trading system. Demonstrates how to calculate and predict key turning points in...

Martin Fridson & Fernando Alvarez – Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner's Guide

Martin Fridson, Fernando Alvarez - Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner's GuideDescriptionAn updated guide to the essential discipline of financial statement analysisIn Financial Statement Analysis, Fourth Edition, leading investment authority Martin Fridson returns with Fernando Alvarez to provide...

Ari Kiev – Hedge Fund Leadership

Ari Kiev - Hedge Fund Leadership Hedge Fund Leadership skillfully explains how to assemble, motivate, and manage a group of traders within a fund and sheds much-needed light on the importance of aligning traders with the overall...

Kevin Dowd – Measuring Market Risk

Kevin Dowd - Measuring Market RiskDescriptionFully revised and restructured, Measuring Market Risk, Second Edition includes a new chapter on options risk management, as well as substantial new information on parametric risk, non-parametric measurements, and liquidity risks, more practical information...

George Fontanillis – The Options Course Workbook. Exercises And Tests For Options Course Book

George Fontanillis - The Options Course Workbook. Exercises and Tests for Options Course BookA comprehensive study companion to The Options Course, Second Edition In The Options Course Workbook, Second Edition, George Fontanills offers a wealth of...

Jon Najarian – How I Trade Options

Jon Najarian - How I Trade OptionsDescriptionWiley Online Trading For A LivingBeat Risk and Reap Rewards Like A Pro!The Compelling True Story of How a Top Market Maker Built a Successful Trading BusinessPraise for How I...

Louis Navellier – The Little Book That Makes You Rich

Louis Navellier - The Little Book That Makes You RichProfit from a powerful, proven investment strategyThe Little Book That Makes You Rich is the latest book in the popular "Little Book, Big Profits" series. Written by Louis...

Tom Bierovic – Playing For Keeps In Stocks & Futures

Tom Bierovic - Playing For Keeps in Stocks Futures Playing for Keeps in Stocks and Futures offers traders three winning strategies for trading stocks and futures under any market condition and within any timeframe-from one minute...

Mark Clatworthy – Transnational Equity Analysis

Mark Clatworthy - Transnational Equity AnalysisDescriptionIn-depth answers for professionals looking to accurately value foreign equities Transnational Equity Analysis is today's most thorough guide to its subject, examining and comparing the techniques used by top analysts and...

Edward R. Dewey – How To Make A Cycle Analysis

Edward R. Dewey – How To Make A Cycle Analysis 1955. Approx. 630 pages, with charts. This how-to manual on cycle analysis was written by Edwin R. Dewey in 1955 as a correspondence course. It provides...

Euan Sinclair – Options Trading. Pricing & Volatility Strategies & Technique

Euan Sinclair - Options Trading Pricing Volatility Strategies TechniqueAn A to Z options trading guide for the new millennium and the new economyWritten by professional trader and quantitative analyst Euan Sinclair, Option Trading is a comprehensive guide to this discipline...

John Murphy – Charting Made Easy

John Murphy - Charting Made EasyDescriptionHere is a treasure trove of easy to use tools for mapping your course through today's market. Whether you're using online charts or a professional charting software program, these techniques from...

Charles Geisst – Undue Influence. How The Wall Street Elite Puts The Financial System At Risk

Charles Geisst - Undue Influence. How the Wall Street Elite Puts the Financial System at RiskA critical look at over 80 years of conflict, collusion, and corruption between financiers and politiciansUndue Influence paints a vivid portrait...

Robert Jorgensen – Individually Managed Accounts An Investor's Guide

Robert Jorgensen - Individually Managed Accounts an Investor's Guide Description The first investor-friendly book on IMAs By 2010 nearly five million households will invest more than $2.6 trillion in individually managed accounts (IMAs). Today nearly $470...

John Hayden – RSI. The Complete Guide

John Hayden - RSI. The Complete GuideThis book is a key work for traders - it enables the trading community to learn how to effectively use RSI, a mainstream technical indicator that is in virtually every...

Jack Cummings – Real State Finance & Investment Manul (9th Ed.)

Jack Cummings - Real State Finance & Investment Manul (9th Ed.)Updated and revised to include ten years of new developments in real estate investment, Real Estate Finance, and Investment Manual, Ninth Edition is the definitive guide to financing...

J.Anthony Boeckh – The Great Reflation

J.Anthony Boeckh - The Great ReflationA guide to understanding and thriving in today's new economic environmentNow that the housing and credit bubbles have burst, toppling banks and sending shockwaves through the stock market and around the...

Delta Society & Walles Wilder – The Delta Phenomenon.

Delta Society, Walles Wilder - The Delta Phenomenonincludes laid-in advertising piece for this title, laid-in invitation to join the Delta Society, and includes the accompanying VHS Video Tape, First Edition, published 1991, color plates throughout, Book...

Gerald A.Benjamin – Angel Capital

Gerald A.Benjamin - Angel CapitalDescriptionGet the business insight that has raised millions in capital funding for over 50,000 entrepreneurs. If you're an entrepreneur or own small, fast-growing businesses, Angel Capital provides a complete toolkit for raising capital in today's...

David Abner – The ETF Handbook. How To Value And Trade Exchange Traded Funds

David Abner - The ETF Handbook How to Value and Trade Exchange Traded FundsDescriptionThe first technical guide to ETFs geared towards professional advisors, institutional investors, and financial professionals seeking to understand the mechanics of ETFsAuthor/trader Dave...