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I believe in Chinese proverb which goes like, "Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."  With that belief, I have been trying to educate the aspiring traders through myblog on DP system of day trading and  (a complete video tutorial to master the day trading).

About Champion Day Trader video tutorial:

Here is what you get with video tutorial and become in true sense a real, .

  • Complete trading system (DP trading system combined with price action trading) that will teach you how to successfully day trade any market, any instrument in the world, be it Nifty, Bank Nifty, stocks, futures & options, currency, commodities, etc.
  • The exact system that I use for my trading.
  • It is the trading method, if learned and mastered properly, can give you good accuracy in trading.  With this, you will be able to win more.
  • A definitive “how to” for finding good trade setups, skipping mediocre ones, and managing the trades properly in any market condition.
  • Learn the tricks of the trade at your own pace, convenience  and comfort.  Video tutorial will give you a feel like someone is sitting with you and teaching you all the required things.

{{What are the requirements}}?

Just an open mind and eagerness to learn.  Internet connected PC, tablet or smart phone.

video tutorial is currently available in two parts.  First part is like an initial step towards becoming a Champion Day Trader by understanding mainly basics, complete trading system with proper entry and exit levels and risk/trade management.  Second part will help you put all the learned concepts together in trading and become a consistently profitable trader by learning how to handle oneself psychologically and do proper position sizing to maximize profits.

Curriculum of Part-I

Total length of videos is more than 900 minutes or 15 hours

  • Section 1:  Trading Basics
    Videos on understanding the markets and how they function, technical and price action analysis, understanding day trading, and basics of charting.
    Click here for a preview on basics of charting.
  • Section 2:  Structure of the markets
    Two videos to make you completely understand the structure of markets.
    Click here for a preview on the structure of the markets.
  • Section 3:  Trend, Range and Decision Points
    Total 18 comprehensive videos.
    Click here for a preview on Decision Points.
  • Section 4:  Day trading concepts
    Videos on acceptance and rejection of prices, space, fluid & congestion, barbwire, gaps, trend strength and volatility.
  • Section 5:  All about Patterns
    Four lengthy videos discussing on BOF and BPB patterns, plus one on direct breakout, three videos on trend reversal.  Bonus videos on Type 1 trend day, whether prices are trending or ranging, when to skip a trade setup and Pressure Play setup.
  • Section 6:  Trade Management
    Two lengthy videos on proper trade management and scratching the trade.
  • Section 7:  Advanced Price Action Reading
    Lengthy videos on Big Picture, trading on MCX, live MCX trade examples, Volume and News flow.
  • Section 8:  Trade Examples
    Two complete trade example videos.
    Section 9:  Trading Index options
    Three lengthy videos on successful trading of Nifty and Bank Nifty options.

Curriculum of Part-II

(total length of videos is more than 400 minutes or 7 hours):

  • Learn grading system to spot good trade setups.
  • Learn a well-defined risk management and position sizing so that whenever you lose, you lose less and whenever you earn, you earn big.
  • Learn how to design a trade plan so that you can handle yourself better psychologically and better deal with different emotional situations.
  • Learn how to practice properly on historical data so that you can train your brain for trading.
  • Learn how to use Amibroker charting software for trading, how to fetch historical data (you will get access to last 10+years of 1-minute data of Index and stock futures).
  • Learn how to prepare and use trading journal


- Total of 18 full Nifty trade videos.  All trading videos will begin from start of the trading day till end of day demonstrating how to assess Big picture and higher timeframe chart, how to read price action, how to pick trade setup, how to position size better along with proper SL and target placement.
Below is the end result of these 18 Nifty trades (click on image to enlarge).

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