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- TNT II How-to-Win (tradingeducators)

'TNT' II - How-to- Win

This utterly unique trading manual teaches the electronic trader how to deal with the psychological hang-ups that cause traders to lose in the markets. As you read through it, you will find a description of yourself. Hopefully, you will be able to laugh with the authors as they take you apart at the seams, expose all your weaknesses, and then put you back together as an explosive and profitable trader. You learn about the realities and truth of actual trading and how to become a true winner in the markets. You learn clever ways to manage your trading so that you extract profits from it on a regular basis - a skilled craftsman happily trading for much more than just a living. You learn how to plan your trades, and plan your trading business. You learn how to set goals and trade with objectives. You learn to control your emotions. Revealed in this manual is a marvelous way to control your trading so that you are trading only when you have the highest and best probability of winning. There is a time when you should not trade and you will learn the secret of how to know exactly when that is. Staying out of the market at the appropriate time will absolutely minimize any chance of losing and greatly increase the trading time you spend actually winning in the market. This manual has won the highest praises from experienced professional traders around the world. 284 pages of explosive information that no trader can afford to be without. Contains secrets that no stock trader has seen before. Illustrations of all pertinent features.


"How-to-Win  is a top-notch course. Most trading books do nothing more than provide general information or promote questionable methods. Traders don't know anything more after reading them than they did before. How-to-Win  injects solid real-life examples into the concepts of money, risk, trade, and self-management." -- K.B., Albany, New York

"How-to-Win  is the best book I've read about the business of trading stocks. You have my whole-hearted thanks for writing it. You are much appreciated, you are outstanding teachers." -- F.D., London, England

"I received How-to-Win  last month. Wow! I found myself over and over on the pages of that manual. It's far above any material I've ever read when it comes to trading the stock market.

I've had it only 3 days now, but I've already read many of the chapters twice. I simply can't put it down." -- W.P., Akron, Ohio

"When people ask me about the ways I make money, I tell them that they should take your courses and read your manuals. I tell them that it's the best 'trading stuff' I have ever seen. I find myself re-reading the chapters all the time." -- B.S., St. Paul, Minnesota

From the Author

Dear Trader,

Many thanks for taking the time to read through our catalog. It is our hope that you'll come to know us even better through our books, and in person at a seminar, tutoring, or consulting session.

Our teaching now is for very personal reasons. We want to pass on to you a legacy - the knowledge and wisdom we have gathered and practiced for many years as traders.

That is why Ross Trading Stocks, Ltd. was formed. We are real and current traders. We don't rest on laurels earned years ago; we don't search for the Holy Grail of computerized systems - our mettle is tested each and every day in today's markets.

To rest, reflect, and to give something back to the world - we take time to teach and to create the Manuals, courses and seminars of what has become a "Traders University(tm)." We won't try to sell you a mechanical system. We won't tell you that our new super-optimized never-fail indicator will give you all the information you need to win in the markets. But we will show you how to analyze markets for high-probability entry points; how to properly place entry, objective, and protective orders; how to manage winning and, more importantly, losing trades. Most important of all, we teach you when to exit trades. Anyone can get into a market, but teaching you to get out with a profit is the bottom line for any trader. In short, we will teach you to trade.

It gives us great joy and a feeling of exhilaration to see a student become a winning trader. In fact, we get the same feeling when you win as we get from being long on a series of major up days. We really do want you to succeed.

Let us help you fully realize your trading potential, and help you attain the absolute best of what life has to offer.

May God be with you and thanks again.
Mark Cherlin

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