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– Hege Found Trender Indicator

(Ninjatrader 7-8, Tradestation, Sierrachart)

This indicators is for Ninjatrader 7-8, thinkorswinm .tradestattion, sierra chart.
It is unlimited, you can put it on every pc.
It inclused some videos as it works.

Hedge Fund Trender built on actual Hedge Fund Strategy

When we launched our first hedge fund many years ago, we focused on utilizing a core group of robust trading strategies that were designed using time-tested algorithms.  We wanted trading strategies that would be effective in capturing profits from significant directional price moves in the markets.  Managing millions of dollars of actual client money with this strategy as one of our core strategies, we were recognized as a Hot New CTA (Hedge Fund) in Futures Magazine! But we have made a good thing better!  We worked to make the Hedge Fund Trender better than our original version by improving on the original strategy that helped us win the recognition in Futures Magazine.  Our improvements were achieved by incorporated our new CBR ProTM Signal Technology. But that’s not all.  We also designed a simple yet powerful trend following overlay to give traders the ability to both profit from price swings in markets and, if they choose, profit from long-term trends that unfold over time.  It’s designed to be an All-In-One trading strategy!

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